Custom Hearing Protection: Is it Worth it?

Custom hearing protection in Minnesota

Unfortunately, hearing, a very delicate sense, constantly undergoes loud noise exposure.

Whether you are attending a large concert, hunting deer, playing an instrument, or even attending fireworks displays—hearing is at risk. Because our inner ear is extremely sensitive, the addition of constant large sounds and vibrations can create irreparable damage. However, using custom hearing protection molds and thereby blocking excess noise, allows you to maintain your hearing, or at least prevent and or protect against further damage to this delicate internal equipment.

What is a Custom Hearing Protection Mold

Protection hearing molds are small custom-made molds of your ear. These molds fit perfectly into your ear canal. They help block noise that will affect your inner hair cells and ultimately your hearing abilities. These are different from ear plugs for a few reasons.  First of all, as the name says, these molds are custom fit using an impression of your ear. Also, they protect your ears better or with more block than the non-custom type if everything is lined up right.  Lastly, they improve the fidelity of the sound if you are listening to music. Musician molds offer responses so the frequency intergradation is saved.  When using an ear mold, you are ensuring your inner ear is safe from potentially harmful vibrations while still being able to hear relatively well. Typically, these molds are made from silicone or other malleable materials to enable a perfect design and fit.

Who Needs Custom Molds?

It would be wonderful if every person were able to have and use their own personal custom hearing protection molds. However, there are certain people who need these custom-fit apparatuses more than others. These people come into contact with loud noises on a regular basis, almost daily, and would therefore almost certainly lose their hearing without the use of noise molds. Some occupations that require noise protection are dentists, musicians, construction workers, and mechanics, to name a few. These occupations, specifically, closely interact with loud pieces of equipment that, when combined with constant vibration, have demonstrated the potential to cause permanent hearing damage.

Other people who would benefit from the use of custom hearing protection molds include hunters, regular concert goers, arena attendees, and those dealing with firework displays on a regular basis. As with the occupations mentioned above, these individuals are subjected to situations in which their ears are exposed to loud booming noises that could have an extreme adverse effect on their hearing if exposed continuously without protection.


The benefit of custom hearing protection molds is that they are quite small and mostly unnoticeable. Additionally, as they are custom-made, they fit your ear canal perfectly, to allow maximum comfort and protection.  As mentioned earlier you can get filters for musician noise protection of different attenuations.  For instance, they have an attenuation of 9, 15, and 25 dB.  Finally, because of the materials used to make these pieces of equipment, they are easy to clean and keep clean.

If you are in need of custom hearing protection, it is essential that you find a reputable audiologist for providing exceptional care.

Your audiologist should be capable of assisting in creating your mold to ensure you achieve the best fit. Kim Fishman at Hears to U Audiology in Minnesota is the perfect audiologist to meet all of your needs.  She has almost 30 years of taking deep impressions of the ear canals with the right material.  She and her staff are attentive, caring, and willing to help. Contact them todaYour audiologist should be capable of assisting in creating your mold to ensure you achieve the best fit.

Kim's Favorite Hearing Protection: We offer a week supply for $14.00!!  That is SEVEN!  :))

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