BeHear ACCESS II Personal Amplifier

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SKU: 2068
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Additional Info

Hearing amplifier for live conversations, mobile calls, streamed audio, looped venues, and more!

  • Easy to tune, even without the BeHear smartphone app!
  • Full customization and advanced features via BeHear app
  • Bluetooth 5.0 for amplified phone calls and audio steaming
  • Large control buttons and charging cradle for ease of use
  • Built-in tinnitus masking sound therapy
  • Rechargeable for up to 13 hours of use

Note: BeHear ACCESS Model II headsets are not hearing aids and are not designed to restore hearing.

Additional information

Weight 36 oz

Power Level

Mild, Mild-Moderate, Moderate

Model of Technology



BeHear ACCESS is a stylish hearing amplifier for people who need enhanced hearing in specific situations. It looks (and functions) like a typical Bluetooth® stereo headset but also provides enhancement for all around hearing (live conversations, mobile phone calls, music play, ambient hearing), as well as assistive listening functionality.

Built-in Telecoil receivers ensure best possible hearing in locales equipped with hearing loop technology.


  • The ability to emphasize high- or low-pitched sounds, directly from the headset
  • Customizable tinnitus masking therapy

BeHear ACCESS utilizes sound processing technologies developed by Alango Technologies, Ltd. over the past two decades, such as:

  • ListenThrough™ – passing through important ambient sounds during music playback
  • EasyListen™ – slowing down speech dynamically during mobile phone conversations
  • Personal Sound Amplifier – providing dynamic, compressed amplification of ambient sounds
  • SoundFocus™ – three options for determining directionality of hearing amplification (narrow, wide, omni) based on the wearer’s desire to focus on a specific sound source, or a broader range
  • Tinnitus Masking: Reduce discomfort with built-in, customizable random noise generation technology
  • Hearing Enhancement Functions – including tone control, noise reduction, echo cancellation, and more
  • CROS/BiCROS – support for single-sided deafness
    • In the CROS and BiCROS implementation in BeHear ACCESS, sound that reaches the microphones on the non-hearing side is transferred to the speaker in the ear bud of the hearing ear. When activated, the function takes effect for all hearing modes: Personal Hearing, Mobile Calls, and Audio Play.Furthermore, this function helps people with unilateral hearing to enjoy music and other stereo audio content. When activated, all streamed stereo audio is mixed automatically down to mono and reproduced in the functional ear, thus allowing people to enjoy the full sound spectrum without missing the channel corresponding to the other, damaged side.

The BeHear ACCESS assistive hearing headset belongs to a new category of sound enhancement products. It combines the functionality of three existing devices into one:

  • Bluetooth stereo headset for wireless mobile phone calls and media playback
  • Assistive hearing device for enhanced intelligibility of speech and other important sounds
  • Digital hearing aid for personalized sound amplification across a wide sound spectrum, and tinnitus masking noise generation

Situational Hearing Enhancement: When You Need It

BeHear ACCESS can enhance hearing for those with normal hearing, as well as people with mild to moderately severe hearing loss. This is true for all situations:

  • In-person conversations
  • Mobile phone conversations
  • Video calls and conferences (Zoom, Facetime, Skype, etc.)
  • Music/audio streaming
  • Television viewing (to stream directly to the BeHear Access II, you will need the HearLink which you can check out HERE)
  • Movies, theater and concert performances
  • Outdoors, in nature

These profiles can be modified in real-time, based on the current sound environment and the wearer’s preferences, using the W&H BeHear mobile application. For example:

Sound Focus™ for Better Understanding of Speech in Noise

BeHear ACCESS supports three degrees of directionality, or “sound focus”: narrow, wide, and omni. Narrow focuses on the area directly in front of the wearer’s face, Wide amplifies important sounds in a 180 degree half-circle in front of the wearer, and Omni collects important sounds from all directions.

Alleviating the “My Voice Echoes” Perception

A typical downside of wearing a pair of earbuds is the “occlusion effect”; a perceived echo of your own voice when your ear canal is sealed. A four-step slider in the W&H BeHear app allows you to control how much you hear yourself when wearing the BeHear ACCESS headset.

Customizable for Your Hearing Capabilities and Preferences

The headset itself includes a variety of controls to manage its hearing functions for six different hearing profiles:

  • Indoor
  • Outdoor
  • Crowd
  • Live Music
  • Telecoil (Exclusive)
  • Telecoil (Transparent)

Tinnitus Masking

If you experience a continuous or spontaneous ringing, roaring, or other internal noise in your ears, you are most likely suffering from tinnitus. One sound therapy that has proven effective in easing tinnitus symptoms is called “masking.” This involves creating an artificial sound that masks your tinnitus to make it less bothersome.

The key to successful masking is to create a sound that matches the phantom sound you are hearing. Since you are in the best position to personalize the masking sound yourself, we give you simple and intuitive tools to adjust the pitch, sharpness, volume and modulation of the masking sound.

Once you have customized the masking sound using the BeHear app, you can activate and deactivate it directly from the BeHear ACCESS Model II headset.

The BeHear application also includes:

  • Self-administered personal hearing assessment for automatic adjustment of the sound in each of the operational modes (ambient hearing, phone calls, and audio play)
  • Direct access to the video tutorials library
  • An option to set the balance between left and right ears
  • Assistive listening functions for phone calls and media playback
  • Various device settings, including default mode behavior, vibration alerts, and more
If you don't have a phone that connects directly to your hearing aid, there might be a phone streamer that you can connect to help you hear better on your phone.


This is a fun new product coming on the market to help you hear.

Only for mild hearing loss.

Hearables for hearing health are a good start to help your needs in various environments. Make sure you get the features you want for your hearing needs.

An Assisted Listening Device is just that, Assists you in listening and hearing better.

These are pieces like Amplifiers, Personal Amplifiers, Hearables, and even audio streamers.

Get yours today.  We can help.

Related Reading

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Mastering Hearing Aid Comfort: The Secrets of Occlusion and Domes

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