Introducing LINNER OTC Hearing Aids: Your Affordable Hearing Solution

linner mercury otc hearing aids what comes in the box

In the realm of Over-the-Counter (OTC) hearing aids, LINNER has emerged as a prominent player, offering a range of affordable options designed to cater to various hearing needs. Here at Hears Hearing & Hearables, we’re excited to present these innovative devices on our e-commerce platform, providing you with exceptional customer service to guide you towards the right choice.

LINNER’s Vision and Range

LINNER’s mission is clear: to make OTC hearing aids accessible to a broad audience without compromising on quality. Therefore, their lineup includes different styles, from in-the-ear models to receiver-in-canal options, each packed with features like Bluetooth connectivity, audio streaming, app controls, rechargeability, and more.

We’ve carefully selected three LINNER products after testing in our clinic to ensure they meet our standards and are also suitable for our customers.

Common Features Across Models

All LINNER OTC models—Mercury, Mars, and Nova—share some key advantages:

  • Rechargeability: Each device comes with a charging case for convenient on-the-go use, compatible with Qi wireless charging.
  • Water and Sweat Resistance: With an IP4X rating, LINNER aids are resilient against moisture, making them suitable for everyday use and light exercise.
  • FDA Registration and HSA/FSA Compatibility: These devices are FDA registered and eligible for purchase using Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA).

Understanding Limitations

It’s important to acknowledge that LINNER OTC hearing aids, while budget-friendly, have limitations. They are not intended for all-day wear like prescription hearing aids and are best suited for specific scenarios such as improved hearing in quiet environments and easier TV listening.

Additionally, LINNER provides limited ear tip sizes, which may not accommodate all users comfortably, especially those with mild hearing loss. Some wearers may experience a sensation akin to hearing their own voice through a microphone due to the snug fit designed to direct sound effectively.

Exploring the Differences

Let’s delve into the distinctions among the three LINNER models:


  • Style: Receiver-in-canal design with push-button functionality.
  • Features: Simple and easy to use without app control or Bluetooth.
  • Ideal For: Those seeking straightforward hearing enhancement without app-related complexities.


  • Style: In-the-ear design, resembling earbuds, with advanced features.
  • Features: Bluetooth compatibility for audio streaming and app control via the LINNER HA app.
  • Ideal For: Tech-savvy users who appreciate customization and seamless connectivity.


  • Style: Compact, resembling popular earbuds like Apple AirPods.
  • Features: Bluetooth compatibility, app control, and UV sterilization in the charging case.
  • Ideal For: Individuals looking for a sleek, modern design with enhanced features.

LINNER Connect: Your Companion

The LINNER Connect accessory complements Bluetooth-enabled LINNER devices, functioning as both a remote microphone and TV streamer. This versatile tool enhances hearing clarity in various scenarios, from noisy restaurants to TV viewing at home.

Our Commitment to Your Hearing Needs

At Hears Hearing & Hearables, we’re dedicated to assisting you in selecting the ideal OTC hearing aid. While LINNER devices boast impressive features, it’s essential to weigh their affordability against potential limitations. Feel free to reach out to our team for personalized guidance and expert advice.

Embrace accessible hearing solutions with LINNER OTC devices—empowering you to reconnect with the world around you. Discover the right fit for your lifestyle and hearing preferences today.

The LINNER Connect Streamer is an easy to use multifunctional accessory for most LINNER products. This accessory wirelessly connects to any LINNER OTC Hearing Aid with Bluetooth compatibility to either stream audio from an aux source, or speech as a microphone.
The LINNER Mars OTC Hearing Aids are a newer OTC hearing aid by LINNER. These are a great affordable option for those who need situational hearing help. These OTC aids have Bluetooth connectivity to any smart phone and also have a corresponding app so you can make adjustments that best suit your hearing needs. We have tested these out in our clinic and think the sound quality and amplification is good for this low price point. The only issue we found was that the tips provided can be occluding and there are also no smaller tips for those with smaller ear canals. You can read more about the occlusion effect and how that changes your hearing here!
Mastering Hearing Aid Comfort: The Secrets of Occlusion and Domes
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The LINNER Nova OTC Hearing Aids are a newer OTC hearing aid by LINNER. These are a great affordable option for those who need situational hearing help. They are very similar to the LINNER Nova Lite, but these are in a white color and These OTC aids have Bluetooth connectivity to any smart phone and also have a corresponding app so you can make adjustments that best suit your hearing needs. We have tested these out in our clinic and think the sound quality and amplification is good for this low price point. The only issue we found was that the tips provided can be occluding and there are also no smaller tips for those with smaller ear canals. You can read more about the occlusion effect and how that changes your hearing here!
Mastering Hearing Aid Comfort: The Secrets of Occlusion and Domes
The LINNER Mercury OTC hearing aids are a receiver-in-the-canal style amplifier. These are easy to use with push button functionality on the aids themselves. They do not have any app control or Bluetooth capabilities. These are a great introduction to to OTC hearing aids at a low cost. These would be great for someone who does not like futzing with apps and just want the simplicity of putting something in their ear and hearing better. We tested these in our clinic and found the sound quality to be fair for the low price point. A great affordable option to see how you like hearing better!
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