Cleaning accessories

A wonderful all purpose natural ear oil. Helps with itchy ears

ProEar by MiraCell: Soothing Relief for Itchy Ears

October 18, 2024

Looking for Itchy Ear Relief? ProEar by MiraCell Can Help! ProEar by MiraCell is a helpful remedy for those who experience itchy ears, especially due to the prolonged use of ...

ProEar by MiraCell: Soothing Relief for Itchy Ears
Hearing aid dryer

Crackling Clarity: Navigating the World of Using a Hearing Aid Dryer – Types, Costs, and Benefits

January 9, 2024

The Importance of a Hearing Aid Dryer in Maintaining Your Hearing Aid Integrity In General: Hearing aids are invaluable devices that empower individuals with hearing loss to engage fully in ...

Crackling Clarity: Navigating the World of Using a Hearing Aid Dryer – Types, Costs, and Benefits
UV-C Sterilization for used Hearing aids

UV-C Sterilization for Hearing Aids is a proven way for safety and cleanliness

September 22, 2023

Experience the Gold Standard in Used Hearing Aid Sterilization with UV-C Technology. At our facility, we’ve embraced UV-C sterilization as our primary method for safeguarding all pre-owned hearing aids. UV-C, ...

UV-C Sterilization for Hearing Aids is a proven way for safety and cleanliness
Pocket Otoscope

Otoscopic Exams: Why We Have to Look in Your Ears

February 11, 2022

So you’re at an appointment with your primary care physician or a hearing healthcare professional and one of the first things they do is check in your ears with a ...

Otoscopic Exams: Why We Have to Look in Your Ears
Hearing aid Cleaning Tools

Hearing Loss and Hearing aids: The importance of cleaning your hearing aids!

January 27, 2021

Cleaning your hearing aids I know what you are thinking. “Is that really that important?” “This is a high-tech, enclosed piece of equipment. How much cleaning is really needed?” I ...

Hearing Loss and Hearing aids: The importance of cleaning your hearing aids!

The PerfectClean Dehumidifier – To Clean Your hearing aids

January 23, 2021

Why a dehumidifier to clean for your hearing aids? The purpose of this cleaning de-humidifier is to clean any hearing aid to remove wax and any other impurities out of ...

The PerfectClean Dehumidifier – To Clean Your hearing aids
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