Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) – But Not Too Simple!
The other day, I was chatting with a fellow hearing professional peer friend who, like me, believes in offering choices when it comes to hearing aids. We love helping people find the best solution for their individual needs, rather than forcing them into a one-size-fits-all option. Hearing aids are not like Apple products—where so many people default to iPhones just because their friends and family have them, or because there aren’t a lot of other options. With hearing healthcare, choice is crucial because not everyone will thrive with the same device.
If you end up with the wrong hearing aid—either because you weren’t given options or you weren’t guided to the right fit—it can be miserable. Poor-quality audio can make everyday life frustrating and exhausting. Struggling to hear is like living in a fog. It reminds me of how my ex, who has low vision, describes his experience. He sees a constant haze in front of everything, and while he has learned to live with it, there are times when he longs for clarity. Hearing loss can feel the same way—you adapt, but deep down, you crave that crisp, clear sound that makes life richer.
Choice in hearing aids isn’t just about personal preference; it’s also about healthy competition. Is there a best hearing aid for most?
If there’s only one brand or one dominant player in the market, prices can soar unchecked. Take Microsoft, for example—Bill Gates could have made software more affordable for everyone, but instead, he capitalized on market dominance. Only later did he start giving away software for tax breaks. This is why we need variety and competition in the hearing aid world.
That said, we also recognize that too many choices can lead to decision paralysis. Some people get overwhelmed and freeze when faced with too many options. That’s why my peer and I are considering a “Keep It Simple” approach—a single, high-quality hearing aid option for those who just want an easy choice. A “best hearing aid for most” if you will. I jokingly suggested calling it KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), but my colleague wasn’t on board with that name. Still, the idea remains: for those who struggle with decisions, we’ll have a streamlined option that takes the guesswork out of the process.
But don’t worry!
At Hears Hearing & Hearables, we will always offer choices for those who want them. And for those who prefer simplicity, we’re working on the best possible “one-size-fits-most” solution. If you try it and it doesn’t work for you, no problem—we have more options! So, stay tuned as we roll out new ways to make your hearing journey easier. After all, having a choice—or choosing to keep it simple—is still a choice!
Thanks for listening, and stay tuned for more updates!