Too Blind to see the Elephant? Why neuroscientists ought to be interested in Tinnitus Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology Online publication: October 22, 2021 By: Marlies Knipper, ...
Your hearing is precious, take care of it and protect your hearing Caring for it is important, even when young, so it doesn’t catch up with you when you’re older. ...
Remember being a kid in elementary school and playing “whisper down the lane?” Usually, the final sentence was nowhere near the same as the original sentence spoken by the first ...
Hearing loss can come on gradually and these days it isn’t a problem reserved just for seniors. While it’s true hearing loss is one of the top 3 most common ...
Your mom is getting older. Perhaps she doesn’t always remember what you tell her, doesn’t seem to pay attention to what’s being said or gets confused on details. It would ...
After my worst fear, that of going blind (a fate I’m not sure I could endure), my second-worst fear has been that of going deaf. After decades of farming, loud engines, ...
How are things in the world of Hearing Healthcare? I just wanted to take a moment to talk to those of you who are interested in this topic. 2022 was ...
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Hearing aids and the Stigma. Will it ever go away? We have been talking about the stigma of hearing loss and hearing aids since I first came into this field ...
Review of a Study First direct access to the human auditory nerve could offer new hope for individuals with the most common form of deafness. Press Release Written by Emma ...
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