Assisted Listening Devices –WIDEX Com-Dex What is the Com-Dex? You have been diagnosed with a hearing loss and now have Widex hearing aids. Life is better. You are hearing things ...
Why a dehumidifier to clean for your hearing aids? The purpose of this cleaning de-humidifier is to clean any hearing aid to remove wax and any other impurities out of ...
Do you have trouble hearing on a Stethoscope because you have hearing loss? The ThinkLabs One Digital Stethoscope is the smallest, most powerful stethoscope we know of especially if you ...
The Bean Amplifier: For a first-time Hearing loss user! Do you have difficulty hearing and just got diagnosed with hearing loss but not ready for wearing a hearing aid full ...
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We are excited to announce a new option for those seeking immediate and accessible assistance with their hearing health care needs. This innovative service connects you directly, providing you with expert advice independent of any manufacturer influence.