Enhancing Hearing Health: A Comprehensive Guide to Get What You Need! People with hearing loss should consider getting hearing aids as they can significantly enhance their quality of life and ...
Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) – But Not Too Simple! The other day, I was chatting with a fellow hearing professional peer friend who, like me, believes in offering choices ...
The Choice Dilemma: Do We Really Want Options? Choice is supposed to be a good thing. It fosters competition, fuels innovation, and keeps prices in check. In the world of ...
What is Auracast? Auracast is a new way to share sound using Bluetooth. It lets one device send audio to many other devices at the same time. This means you ...
Dear Fellow Audiologists, As professionals dedicated to improving the lives of those with hearing loss, we take great pride in our work and the trust our patients place in us. ...
Apple’s AirPods Pro 2 have generated significant buzz with their new hearing-focused features as the AirPods Pro 2 Hearing Aid. While primarily marketed as high-end earbuds, these devices now offer ...
Starkey offers the newest platform, the Starkey Edge AI hearing aids, featuring detailed specifications and features designed to enhance user experience. Let’s take a closer look at the technology, styles, ...
Costco Hearing Aid Store Providers Miss One Important Step: Acclimatization When customers visit a Costco Hearing Aid Store, the provider typically fits them with hearing aids and verifies the fitting ...
Starkey’s Genesis AI hearing aids, launched in February 2023, introduced significant advancements in hearing technology by integrating artificial intelligence (AI). While newer models like the Edge AI have also been ...
The Power of a Remote Microphone: A Key Hearing Aid Accessory When it comes to hearing aids, the focus is often on the device itself. But sometimes, to fully enhance ...
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